:: Statements / Demo Policy ::
// Dusted Wax Kingdom statements (updated: 2015/07/02):
I. General Information
1. Dusted Wax Kingdom is a privately owned and operated netlabel, standing for freedom,
development and quality. All our music are available online for free download for personal use
under Creative Commons "AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivs" license, which explicitly
disallows creating of derivative works and commercial use.
2. Artists guarantee that they are sole right holders to music and materials they represent.
3. Artists retain the exclusive the rights to the music they release with Dusted Wax Kingdom.
They are free to give permission for use to independent individuals/organizations in way that has no restricting effect on
the original Creative Commons license.
4. Artists must not release/register the music they publish(ed) through Dusted Wax Kingdom with
commercial record labels, right performing organizations and/or royalties collecting societies.
5. Artists are absolutely free to do whatever they want with their music, not released with Dusted
Wax Kingdom.
6. In case of license inquiries, Dusted Wax Kingdom will forward them directly to the artists
and/or to their management.
7. Artists grant Dusted Wax Kingdom rights to use their music and materials to promote them
(artists) and Dusted Wax Kingdom in any non-commercial way.
8. Once a release is published online, Dusted Wax Kingdom doesn't change it and doesn't take it
off from the catalog.
II. Permissions
1. Music downloaded through Dusted Wax Kingdom:
- may be used it in non-commercial podcasts, mixes and compilations;
- may be used by non-profit and charity organizations in their videos/campaigns;
- may be played on ad-free/non-commercial online radio streams;
- may be recorded and stored to media as either audio or data;
- may be freely distributed under Creative Commons ‘by-nc-nd’ license;
- may be used by Dusted Wax Kingdom artists in their dj sets, live mixes, etc;
- may be sampled by Dusted Wax Kingdom artists in their production.
2. Dusted Wax Kingdom logo is exclusive property of its creator, Vladislav Gatev (of 2 Bone
Giants), and Dusted Wax Kingdom. It may be used in non-commercial way to promote Dusted Wax Kingdom artists and label.
III. Disclaimer
1. All artistic content is subject to the copyright of the respective artists and permission was
explicitly granted for publication on Dusted Wax Kingdom website. This includes, that the
artistic content is not (and will not be) associated with any right performing organizations
and/or royalties collecting societies.
2. Artists are fully liable for the content of their works. This includes (but is not limited to), the
use and the clearing of incorporated samples, loops and other material of others.
3. Dusted Wax Kingdom is not liable for the musical works published and/or used in
contravention of the conditions of the license or any use for sale by the artists or by anyone
else. Dusted Wax Kingdom is not interested in trade policies and profit-making, and maintains a
license that are not related or connected to sales.
// Dusted Wax Kingdom demo policy (updated: 2015/07/02):
1. Before sending your music, be sure it fits to the specific music genres Dusted Wax Kingdom
releases and promotes. Irrelevant demos will be marked as spam.
2. Complete your music before sending it. We normally don't answer back to submissions containing works-in-progress.
3. We'd like to listen to at least 5-6 tracks, the really best tracks of yours.
4. Please, do not attach files to your mail. Contact us to give you a link to our uploads form or
pack everything in a ZIP or RAR archive and send it via wetransfer (or another file-sharing
platform). A download option through bandcamp or soundcloud is also okay.
5. If you have a complete album, please be sure to provide it in best possible quality:
- audio format: mp3 (320 kbps, 44100 Hz, stereo)
- artwork: jpg/png (>600x600 px, >72 dpi)
6. When sending out your demo, please, mention that you’ve read and agree our statements and
ask your questions (if any). We want to be pretty sure that you’re okay with our philosophy
before we go ahead.